Use Cases
Every day I brief clients, sellers and partners on leading edge technology (such as IBM PowerAI). Once the basic education and Q/A session is done almost always the next request is for some ‘Use Cases’.
What are Use Cases and why are they useful ? Use Cases in my area of expertise typically illustrate Industry specific solutions that addressed a current Business problem. In the documentation of a Use case you will typically see the business problem listed, details of the IT solution (realized by combining specific Hardware, Software and Services), and the resulting business benefits realized. An example would be ‘a Banking client had this problem or desired outcome and then combined IBM Hardware, IBM, ISV and Open Source Software, and leveraged a Systems Integrator to produce a solution with these positive results’. Note the resulting Use Cases illustrate what is possible to achieve (today) with a given set of available technologies. Often Use Cases will focus on problems and benefits of a specific class of end user (say for example a Developer). Use Cases typically are not ‘forward looking’ and should not be viewed as Statements of Direction. I would also add that in the documentation of a Use Case it may be a good idea to briefly discuss if this particular Use Case is something that is anticipated to be of pervasive value or only to be of value to a very small percentage of clients or end users.
If you work on an Offering or support clients or sellers you will want to have a large number of documented Use Cases to help progress client adoption and sales cycles. Use Cases help document and teach everyone about ‘The Art of What is Possible’ with your products or solutions or services. Many customers and sellers need to see Use Cases because they don’t want to be pioneers. However, please note that in many instances your individual client environments, needs, wants and desired outcomes vary quite a bit often resulting in the need to help a client create their own more personalized Use Case.
Contact me directly if you are interested in seeing some of our many Use Cases for IBM’s PowerAI. All opinions are my own.