Using AI ten different times in one day
Still trying to figure out if AI is real, mainstream ? Well consider this .. Last week during the course of just one day I interacted with at least 10 different AI Algorithms. Here we go: 1. Booked a hotel room — was transferred from talking with a live person to an AI Systems when it came to providing my Credit Card info (so a person was never exposed to my Credit Card info). 2. Ordered some music online, algorithm recommended a second item which i purchased. 3. Took a picture with my Phone, camera settings dynamically adjusted via Software. 4. Edited a photograph, cropping and other image enhancements created by an AI Algorithm. 5. Wrote an email in response to a request to meet someone, part of the email automatically written for me by Google Gmail. 6. Google search ‘look ahead’ correctly guesses my full text search for a local business 7. Use a Cognitive Chat to initiate a request for repair for one of my Cameras. 8. Used an App on my phone to find the optimal route driving back home from Philadelphia. 9. Searched and found tickets to a concert after providing constraints on price, location, date, seating. 10. Created a text message using my voice.
I’m now using multiple AI algorithms per day and so are you !